Parasite Control & Prevention

Protecting your pet against internal and external parasites.

Parasites are small creatures that cause serious harm to your pet’s health. Your pet can be infected with whipworm, hookworm, coccidia, roundworm, tapeworm, heartworm, ticks, fleas, and mites. Parasites are clever and can hide inside your home or outdoors. A parasitic infection can cause irreversible organ damage, death and some can even spread to the humans in the household. For these reasons, parasite prevention and control are essential for all pets.

How can I protect my pet from parasites?

Following a year-round prevention plan is the best way to give your pet protection. This offers your pet protection at all times, even when you think certain parasites aren’t active. As there are various parasites, our team can provide your pet with a broad-spectrum medication that protects them from multiple parasites. To get your loyal companion started on parasite prevention, call us at 250-478-4075.

What are signs of parasites?

When your pet has parasites, the signs can be missed in the early stages. This is especially true if your pet has internal parasites in their abdomen, intestines, or heart. Your pet should be tested regularly, and their preventative should be administered on time to keep them protected. Here are some signs that your pet has parasites:

  • Itching and scratching
  • Swollen belly
  • Dry, persistent cough
  • Bald patches
  • Bumps on the skin
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea

How can I protect the rest of my family from catching parasites?

The parasites and diseases that can spread between species are called zoonotic. Zoonotic parasites include roundworm, hookworm, and tapeworm. Humans aren’t the best hosts, so they will experience different health complications. Small children, seniors, and immuno-compromised people have a higher risk of catching parasites from pets. Here’s how to protect your family from parasites:

  1. Good hand washing hygiene. Wash your hands immediately after handling your pet’s litter box or feces.
  2. Safely dispose of your pet’s feces.
  3. Get your pet on a prevention plan that includes regular testing.
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